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Brooklyn Truck Accident Lawyer

If you need a Brooklyn truck injury attorney because you have lost a loved one or been hurt in a collision with a semi, give us a call now. Our skilled and experienced team of lawyers can get you through these difficult times. We will fight to provide relief and compensation for your injuries.

To speak with a Brooklyn truck injury attorney, call 718-448-1600. We offer free initial consultations.

Brooklyn Truck Accident LawyerWhen a huge tractor trailer strikes a passenger car, pedestrian or bicycle, the chances of serious injury or death are high.

In addition to dealing with the emotional and physical issues of the crash, families are forced to deal with the legal and financial aspects, such as recovering compensation for lost income or medical bills.

Contact a truck injury attorney to explain and help you understand the complex laws governing tractor trailer safety.

Commercial driving companies often employ a team of lawyers and accident investigators. Your chances of getting compensated for your suffering are enhanced when you enlist an experienced personal injury lawyer to represent you when dealing with these complex issues.

Many factors can cause tractor trailer accidents.

The trucking company, the driver, or both may be to blame.

We have the experience, knowledge and resources to identify and document the many types of negligence that cause big rig accidents, such as:

  • Unrealistic schedules
  • Tailgating
  • Long work shifts
  • Jackknifing
  • Failure to install blind spot mirrors
  • Failure to inspect tires, brakes and lights
  • Driver fatigue
  • Cell phone use
  • Aggressive drivers

New laws and higher standards have been enacted to fight this growing problem.

Fewer hours at a time on the road for drivers and more frequent and effective safety inspections have become mandatory.

Although both trucking companies and government agencies have acted to lower the rate of accidents, they still occur too often and the injuries suffered can be severe.

A trucking company finds out about an accident immediately after it happens because of the semi’s GPS system.

The company’s insurance representative will usually send an investigator to the scene within 24 hours.

As a victim, it is best for you to have a representative at the scene as soon as possible so evidence of liability does not disappear.

A truck injury attorney can retain the best possible experts in the industry to provide you with advice regarding the liability of the semi driver, owner and trucking company.

You need a lawyer to stand up for your rights and fight for the compensation you deserve after an accident with a big rig.

We can help you.

The lawyers at our firm are more than familiar with all of the unique aspects of tractor trailer accident claims.

Contact a Brooklyn Truck Accident Lawyer to guide you through the complex legal system and ensure that you get the help you need.

If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident with an 18-wheeler, there is help and you could be entitled to financial compensation to ease your physical and emotional pain.

See Also: Fatal Car Accident Experienced Lawyer, Click Here