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3 Common Eye Injuries in PE Classes

3 Common Eye Injuries in PE Classes

Physical education is an important part of our children’s’ education. Particularly today, with childhood obesity  at a public health crisis level in the U.S., gym class provides our kids with a lifelong benefit. Unfortunately, it is arguably the class in which a child is most likely to suffer an injury.

Injuries to the eye are particularly troublesome. Our eyes are delicate organs, and while most eye injuries heal completely, others may cause lifelong disability. PE class, with its fast-paced activity and objects in motion, can lead to the occasional eye injury.

The three most common eye injuries sustained in PE classes are:

Eye Swelling

The eye itself, and more commonly the eyelids, can swell after an impact. When a ball, an unwary classmate’s elbow or hand, or any other object strikes the eye area, the eyelids and sometimes the eye itself will bruise and swell in response.

Most often, this is a simple black eye that will heal on its own, but it’s a good idea to see an eye doctor to ensure there’s not internal damage.

Foreign Object in the Eye

This can be a bit more serious. Depending on the size and shape of the foreign matter, you may need immediate, emergency care. A first aid eyewash will often wash away small objects such as dust or lint, but larger or sharp objects may partially or fully penetrate the eye.

Scratched Eye

The medical term is “corneal abrasion,” and this is often a result of some foreign object in the eye. This injury can vary in severity, but even a minor scratch can leave the eye open to infection. Fungal or bacterial infections in the eye can cause serious harm, even blindness, very quickly.

Any eye injury is not something to take lightly. See an eye doctor if you have any concerns after an injury to the eye, particularly in children.

Most schools and school officials take great care to ensure the safety of our children and their learning environment. However, some injuries are unforeseeable. Some may be due to negligence or carelessness in preventing safety hazards, while other injuries are unfortunate but unpreventable.

A Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help

Has your child suffered an eye injury during physical education classes? Trust the experienced legal team at Kuharski, Levitz & Giovinazzo, Esq., your dedicated personal injury law firm.

We understand the distress and uncertainty that comes with such accidents. If your child’s injury was caused by negligence or unsafe conditions in their PE class, we’re here to fight for justice on your behalf.

Contact our reputable personal injury law firm today for a free consultation. Let us help you navigate the legal process and secure the compensation your child deserves for their medical expenses, pain, and suffering.

Don’t delay—take action to protect your child’s rights and ensure a safer environment for all students in physical education classes. Call us now to get started.