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4 Common Injuries from Elevator Accidents in Brooklyn

4 Common Injuries from Elevator Accidents in BrooklynWhile you may not hear about them every day, the fact is that elevator accidents in Brooklyn happen more frequently than you think.

In fact, about 30 people are killed in elevator accidents each year, and 10,000 more are injured.

New York has strict safety regulations when it comes to elevators, but several factors can come into play during an accident, such as:

  • Poor maintenance
  • Old, broken equipment
  • Accidental shut-off
  • Failed or obstructed sensors
  • Loose or broken bolts
  • Excessive wear and tear
  • Door operator problems
  • Computer errors

The fact is that sudden stops, broken cables and power failures, as well as failure to open or close properly, can cause serious injury.

4 Common Injuries from Elevator Accidents in Brooklyn

While death does occur due to elevator accidents in Brooklyn, injuries are far more common.

The most common include:

1. Crush injuries. When doors close on fingers, hands and feet, they can easily become crushed under the pressure. Even limbs are susceptible to crush injuries from elevator doors. Crush injuries can lead to permanent damage, including amputation, in some cases.

2.Head injuries. Sudden stops and lurches are huge contributors to head injuries, particularly because elevator passengers aren’t prepared for them. When an elevator makes any sudden, unexpected movement, it’s easy to lose your balance and strike your head against the walls or floor.

3. Neck injuries. Neck injuries are commonly caused when elevators stop suddenly and lurch into motion, as well. Victims may suffer from whiplash, permanent tissue damage or broken vertebrae from an elevator accident.

4. Back injuries. Many elevator accidents involve trauma, and the trauma can be worse if the elevator is full of passengers. Pushing, falling and a number of other things that can take place during one of these types of accidents, so back injuries – which are notoriously hard to treat and can cause permanent damage, including paralysis – are fairly common.

Most Elevator Accidents in Brooklyn are Unreported

Studies have shown that many victims don’t report their injuries, and in the vast majority of cases, victims don’t have anyone to stand up for their legal rights.

If you or someone you care about has been injured in an elevator accident in Brooklyn, know that there may be legal help available. Contact the Law office of Kuharski, Levitz & Giovinazzo, Esq. to speak to a qualified attorney today.

Turn to the experienced personal injury lawyers at Kuharski, Levitz & Giovinazzo, Esq. for the dedicated legal representation you deserve. Our team has a proven track record of successfully advocating for elevator accident victims and holding negligent parties accountable.

Don’t wait to protect your rights. Contact our personal injury lawyers today for a free consultation. Let us fight for the compensation you deserve while you focus on your recovery. Your journey to justice starts here.