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Premises Liability for Property Owners

Aug 18, 2015

A property owner has a certain responsibility, known in legal terms as duty of care, to maintain reasonable safety standards on his or her property. Whether the property owner lives on the property, rents it out or uses it for business, the duty of care isthe same: to prevent foreseeable harm to tenants and visitors....

How to Handle the Final Stages of Negotiation in a Settlement

Negotiating a personal injury settlement can be a lengthy process. After an injury, you probably filed a claim with the insurance company, only to receive an offer you felt was too low. You responded with a counteroffer, and thus began negotiating with the insurance claims adjuster. At some point, the claims adjuster will make a...

Personal Injury Lawsuit After a Dog Attack

Aug 17, 2015

Dog bites are not the only injuries you can suffer in a dog attack. Dogs’ claws can be sharp enough to cut deeply, causing significant pain. Larger dogs can knock people over, causing injuries from the fall in addition to bites and lacerations. After a dog attack, you may be wondering if you can sue...

What Does Apartment Building Insurance Cover?

Apartment building insurance is not to be confused with renter’s insurance. While a renter’s insurance policy covers a renter and his or her belongings, apartment building insurance covers the property itself and its owner. Every policy is different, but most will include owner liability coverage in addition to insuring the building and fixtures. If a...

Injured Due to Landlord’s Negligence When You’re Renting a Property?

Aug 14, 2015

When you rent a property, it’s the landlord’s responsibility to maintain safe premises. Property owners who don’t take proper steps to prevent foreseeable harm caused by their premises are legally negligent. If that negligence causes you to be injured, you may have a strong legal claim for damages. Property Owners and Duty of Care Landlords...