Nobody Fights Harder for You… Nobody.

Blog Archive

Tis the Season—for Ice, Snow and Wet Floors

Dec 21, 2015

New York winters are notoriously snowy. But as New Yorkers know all too well, it isn’t always snow. Sleet, freezing rain and slushy streets are part of our wintertime chorus as well. Then, once we get indoors, we’re often tracking in just enough snow to make slippery puddles on the floor. We can probably all...

When Nursing Care is Careless—or Worse

Dec 18, 2015

When you decide to place a loved one into the care of a skilled nursing facility or assisted living community, you’re placing a lot of trust in the home’s management and staff. Nearly one and a half million people in the U.S. live in nursing care facilities. While the overwhelming majority of these people are...

Worst Times for Traffic Accidents

Dec 16, 2015

Several independent studies have been done over the years to determine when motorists are most likely to have a crash. The results, while not surprising, are generally consistent. Worst Time of Day for Car Accidents The afternoon rush hour consistently has the highest likelihood of a crash in urban and suburban areas. While the morning...

Residents Call for Needed Street Light Repair

Dec 14, 2015

According to residents in the Shore Acres neighborhood of Staten Island, a broken street light has left them in the dark for nearly a year. Area residents have resorted to using flashlights while walking their dogs or taking a stroll down the unlit street. In a community with lots of vehicle and foot traffic, as...

2 Fatal Pedestrian Accidents in Bath Beach

Dec 11, 2015

A woman was killed Nov. 19 while crossing the street in Bath Beach. A dark colored sedan reportedly hit the woman near the intersection of Cropsey Avenue and Bay 35th Street around 7 p.m. Police are still searching for the driver, who did not stop at the scene. Only hours later, a 22-year-old driver in...