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8 Things Not to Do After a Car Accident

8 Things Not to Do After a Car AccidentAfter an auto accident, even a minor one, your adrenaline is flowing and it may be hard to collect your thoughts. Most of us know what we should do: Pull over, make sure everyone is okay, and exchange information with the other driver. But do you know what not to do?

The things you don’t do can help you protect your rightsafter a car crash.

Immediately After a Crash

  1. Don’t panic. Take a deep breath, or several. Try to remain as calm as possible.
  2. Don’t block traffic. If you’re able to move you vehicle out of traffic safely, do so. If not, be sure you and anyone else on the scene stand as far from traffic as possible to avoid being struck by oncoming vehicles or causing another driver to swerve to avoid hitting you.
  3. Don’t apologize. It may be difficult to overcome the polite urge to apologize to the other driver, but it can be important not to. Your words could later be taken out of context as an admission of fault.
  4. Don’t admit fault. Even if you believe you were at fault, don’t say anything about fault. Your mind is racing and you haven’t had time to process everything that just happened. You are in no shape to make such a judgment, and again you don’t want your words used against you in the future.
  5. Don’t blame. See point number four. Even if the other driver was clearly, in your opinion, at fault, laying blame or getting angry will not help you or anyone else.

In the Days Following the Crash

In the days and weeks following your crash, you’ll have had time to collect your thoughts. Whether your injuries are minor or severe, there are still some things you want to avoid.

  1. Don’t talk to the other driver’s insurance company. Get in touch with your insurance company, or preferably a car accident attorney, before you speak with any representative from the other driver’s insurance company.
  2. Don’t accept the first offer you get. Accepting a settlement too quickly can be a costly mistake. See point number six.
  3. Don’t despair. Take care of yourself after a car crash, and seek legal help if you feel overwhelmed. An experienced car accident lawyer can help you sort out what you may be entitled to, and offer invaluable advice guidance as you begin to rebuild your life.