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Back in the Saddle: Putting a Motorcycle Crash Behind You

Back in the Saddle: Putting a Motorcycle Crash Behind YouAfter recovering from a motorcycle accident, most riders have mixed feelings about riding again. Some decide it isn’t for them, but many motorcycle enthusiasts can’t wait to get back on two wheels and enjoy the open road. Of course, you can’t enjoy the ride if you’re anxious and apprehensive, so how do you put your nerves at ease?

Give Your Gear the Once-Over

First things first: if your helmet hit the ground when you were in your motorcycle accident, replace it. No matter what it looks like, that helmet absorbed an impact—possibly saving your life—and it may not be properly able to absorb another.

Have a look at your leather or other protective clothing. Repair any holes, split seams, or overly worn areas or replace the garment. Be certain everything still fits properly as well; you may have lost or gained some weight during your recovery.

Pre-Ride Check

Before your first ride, check over your motorcycle itself. Even if it’s a new bike or has been repaired by a certified mechanic, it’s best to put your own eyes—and hands—on your ride. Be sure all the lights, brakes, mirrors and other details are working perfectly.

In this way, you won’t find yourself second-guessing the safety of your ride, while you ride. You don’t want any unnecessary worries running around inside that new helmet, do you?

Adjust Your Comfort Level

You’re likely to be a bit nervous for your first ride after a motorcycle accident. Start with a short, easy ride somewhere with light traffic and few distractions. Avoid the area where you had your crash, at least for now.

If you prefer to ride with a buddy, just make sure your friend is aware of your crash and is someone you trust. You definitely don’t want your first ride to be with a rider who will pressure you to keep up or judge you if you decide to cut the ride short. You’ll get comfortable again as you gain confidence with each passing mile.

Get your motor runnin’, head out on the highway, and enjoy the adventure!