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Head-On Collisions Lawyer Brooklyn New York

A head-on collision may be the most terrifying thing you’ve ever experienced. These are among the most dangerous—and the most fatal—car crashes in the U.S.

The Raw Data on Head-On Collisions

The numbers from the Federal Highway Administration and the U.S. Department of Transportation suggest that about 75 percent of head-on Head-On Collisionscollisions occur on rural roads. While there aren’t really rural roads in Brooklyn, we have more than our share of automobile accidents.

Head-on collisions are exactly what they sound like: two vehicles traveling in opposite directions crash, front-to-front. They’re so dangerous because the force of the impact doubles. That means the people involved hit the airbags harder, their seatbelts exert more reactionary force and they may suffer more serious injuries.

Distracted driving, drunk driving and driving while fatigued contribute to the majority of head-on crashes, but they can also be caused by:

  • Poor weather conditions
  • Improper passing
  • Vehicle malfunctions (such as tire blowouts)
  • Disobeying traffic signs and signals

Head-on crashes happen in a split second, but they can change your life forever. Your injuries may be mild or severe, but it’s incredibly important to see a medical professional as soon as possible after your accident to make sure that you’re okay.

The Most Common Head-On Collision Injuries

While any car accident is capable of causing serious injury, head-on collisions most often result in:

  • Broken bones
  • Facial injuries
  • Dental injuries
  • Neck and spine injuries
  • Concussions
  • Injuries to internal organs

Airbags can also cause injuries, but generally, the injuries they cause are mild compared to those you would’ve suffered if you hadn’t had an airbag in place.

The injuries you sustain in a head-on collision depend on several factors, too, including whether you were wearing a seat belt, whether you were facing forward or you were turned at the time of impact, and whether it was a low-speed or high-speed crash.

Soft Tissue Injuries in Head-On Collisions

Muscles, ligaments and tendons are all considered soft tissues. Whiplash is a form of soft tissue injury, because it over-stretches and over-extends the muscles and tendons of the neck on impact.

Penetration Injuries from Car Accidents

Most commonly, penetration injuries are caused by breaking glass and loose objects in the car. Coffee mugs, purses and other objects become projectiles during a collision. Penetration injuries are usually cuts and scrapes, but they can be worse depending on the severity of the impact.

Head-On Crashes and Head Injuries

Any time your vehicle comes to a sudden stop, you run the risk of a head or brain injury. Even if your head doesn’t make contact with the steering wheel, airbag or other component of the inside of your vehicle, a sudden stop can cause your brain to hit the inside of your skull. The effects can be mild or very serious.

Mild head injuries can be cuts and scrapes; in some cases, concussions are also relatively mild. However, the most severe head injuries can cause brain damage and death.

Chest Injuries and Abdominal Injuries from Head-On Collisions

With the sudden stop of a head-on collision, your chest could hit the steering wheel of your vehicle. The airbag could also deploy forcefully, hitting you in the chest. Even the seatbelt exerts an extreme amount of force during a head-on collision, so your chest is definitely under assault during a crash.

Your liver and spleen are at high risk during an accident, as well. The pressure created by your seat belt coupled with the force of the crash can cause internal abdominal injuries.

What to Do if You’re in a Head-On Collision in Brooklyn

Your only job after a head-on collision is to seek medical care for yourself and for anyone else involved. Before you even try to determine what happened or who is at fault, you need to make sure you’re okay. Dial 9-1-1 even if you think you’re not injured; the adrenaline from the crash and the confusing aftermath can cause you to gloss over real injuries.

If there are any witnesses, you’ll probably want to talk to them to find out what happened—but you don’t have to do that right now. It’s okay to ask for their names and phone numbers (or even email addresses) so that you can talk when the trauma isn’t fresh in your mind.

Can You Sue Over a Head-On Collision?

In many cases in Brooklyn and beyond, victims of head-on collisions have been able to sue for damages. Medical bills can pile up quickly, and so can other bills when you’re not able to work because of your injuries.

You could be entitled to receive financial compensation from the at-fault party. For most people, it’s best to talk to a Brooklyn attorney with experience in head-on car crashes. Your lawyer will be able to evaluate your case, talk to the insurance company for you and ensure that you get what you are entitled to as part of a lawsuit.

If you’ve been in an accident, call the Law Offices of Kuharski, Levitz & Giovinazzo immediately at (718) 448-1600.