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Suing for a Burn Injury on Staten Island

Last year, a Staten Island couple had to throw their pre-teen children from a second-story window to save them from a fiery death; before that, a man suffered burns over most of his body because a negligent member of a hotel cleaning crew threw a cigarette into the fumes from toxic cleaning supplies.

Suing for a burn injury on Staten Island is, in many cases, absolutely necessary to help pay for medical bills and continuing care, as well as to help make up for lost wages and other financial burdens.

Lawsuits and Burn Injuries

Burn injuries are some of the most common household injuries, but they’re less commonly a result of someone else’s negligence (or the result of a crime, such as arson).

Because burns have the potential for so many complications, you always have to think about continuing care. Tetanus and other bacteria can enter the damaged skin, causing severe infections—and increasing the amount of medical intervention that’s necessary.

Even with minor burns, there are extreme risks of infection. Likewise, scarring is almost certain. Reconstructive surgeries might be necessary; not just for aesthetics, but so that your body can function properly again.

It’s for these reasons, as well as a whole host of others, that people choose to sue those responsible for their burn injuries.

Should You Talk to a Lawyer about Your Burn Injuries?

If you were burned as a result of someone else’s negligence, carelessness or ill-will, or if you’ve been burned in an accident at home, at work, or anywhere else, you might be entitled to receive compensation.

Talking to an attorney who will evaluate your case doesn’t mean you’re going to dive head-first into a lawsuit. Instead, it’s a way to explore your options and find out whether you could be entitled to help paying your medical bills, covering your other expenses, and making up for the wages you’ve lost by being unable to work.

A good lawyer will come visit you at the hospital or at home while you’re recovering. The most important thing, above all else, is that you recover from your injuries.